What support is available for SEND pupils
Enabling access to learning and the curriculum
Access to additional targeted teaching by trained staff:
- In all year groups
- Regular intervention programmes in class
- Flexible to meet the needs of the current cohort of children.
- Delivered by trained staff and line managed by subject leaders, senior management team and the SENCO.
Strategies/programmes to support speech and language where appropriate:
- Support strategies put in place both as part of everyday class based teaching and as additional group or individual support if appropriate.
- Speech and Language Therapist support – small group & 1:1
- Speech and Language Therapist advice disseminated to & followed by teaching staff
- Specific differentiation or modification of resources.
- Support with introduction of new vocabulary e.g. for a new topic.
- Mind maps for pre-learning of concept and topic words
- Range of visual support
Strategies to support/develop literacy including reading
- Differentiated phonics groups.
- Extra guided reading groups for children requiring additional support.
- Small group intervention programmes to enable children to ‘catch up’ if they are not making expected progress.
- Parent workshops to help parents understand how reading is taught in school and enable them to help their child at home.
Strategies to support/develop numeracy
- Small group intervention programmes
- Small group intervention programmes to enable children to ‘catch up’ if they are not making expected progress.
- Maths Booster club
- Access to specialist Numeracy Teaching if appropriate
Strategies/support to develop independent learning
- Alternative recording methods
- Visual timetables for class & individuals
- Range of visual support and visual scaffolds
- Regular ‘celebration of success’ opportunities
- Success criteria used in every lesson
- Timers to help children with time keeping.
- Resources clearly labelled and accessible in all classes.
- Individual targets where appropriate to the age and ability of the child