Partnerships with External Agencies
What support from outside does the school use to support my child?
The school works with external agencies as available and appropriate to seek advice and support to ensure that the needs of all children are fully understood and met. These include:
- Educational Psychology Service
- Sensory Support Service
- Speech and Language Therapy Service
- Occupational Therapy
- Community Paediatrician
- Child & adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Bromley Community Wellbeing Service & associated agencies
- Bromley Mentoring Service
- Bromley Young Carers
- Bromley Children’s Project
- Behaviour Advisory Teacher – Spring Partnership Trust
Liaison/Communication with Professionals/Parents, attendance at meetings and preparation of reports
- SENco or other involved staff member will attend meetings with outside agencies whenever possible.
- SENco will pass on any reports from outside agencies to class teachers and discuss with them implications for teaching.
- Reports requested from the school by any outside agency will be completed by the member of staff who knows the child best which is usually the class teacher. However, the SENco will be available to discuss the report, review it before it is sent and ensure that copies have been taken for the child’s file.
- Wherever possible, the SENco will be available to attend parent’s meetings.
- The SENco is available to speak to parents at other mutually convenient times.
Other agencies which offer support and advice to parents include:
- Information, Advice and Support Service (formerly known as Parent Partnership) This service offers impartial, confidential information advice and support for parents/carers of children with SEN. It offers independent, impartial, confidential advice for all parents/carers with the move from pre-school to primary school and from primary to secondary school.
- Voluntary sector services e.g Bromley Parent Voice