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Ofsted Report - February 2019


We are delighted to announce that Elmstead Wood Primary School is a Good School!


Dear Parents and Carers,

I am delighted to tell you that the recent Ofsted visit to our school was very successful and the inspectors found that Elmstead Wood Primary School is a GOOD school!  

In brief, the inspectors told us that the school has improved since the last inspection and that:

  • There is a culture of high expectations for staff and pupils and, as a result, the school is providing a good quality of education and continuing to improve.
  • Leaders, including governors, have a clear understanding of the school’s performance and are ambitious to improve further.
  • Leaders check regularly on the progress that pupils are making. They identify dips and respond to issues effectively.
  • The overall quality of teaching and learning is good. As a result, the majority of pupils currently in the school make good progress from their starting points in reading, writing and mathematics.
  • Pupils benefit from an interesting, broad curriculum within and beyond the school day.
  • Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who are
    disadvantaged make good progress from their starting points.
  • The teaching of phonics is a strength of the school. Effective teaching enables pupils to gain early reading skills and use this knowledge when they read and write independently.
  • Pupils read with interest and enjoyment. They can describe in detail what they like about the
    book they are reading and have successful strategies to tackle the more difficult words.
  • Pupils behave well and show good attitudes to learning. They are polite and welcoming. Pupils of all ages work and play well together.
  • Pupils’ well-being and safeguarding are high priorities. Pupils feel very safe in school.
  • Pupils enjoy the school and attendance is now in line with the national average. Leaders have worked tirelessly to reduce pupils’ absence.
  • High expectations, effective teaching and caring relationships help children in the early years to make good progress.

I’m sure you will join me in congratulating all our wonderful teachers and support staff on this Ofsted visit. I am delighted that their hard work has paid off and our school is now officially a GOOD school!  

With very best wishes,

Mrs Haig
Head Teacher
Elmstead Wood Primary School


Our most recent Ofsted Report can be downloaded below.