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Little Acorns (Nursery)

Welcome to Little Acorns Nursery!

Your child's Nursery Teacher, Nursery Lead and Teaching Assistants are: 


Nursery Teacher

Miss Thomas

Nursery Manager

Mrs Carlisle

Support Staff

Mrs Currie and Mrs Ujma

Little Acorns Nursery is a purpose built nursery within the grounds of Elmstead Wood Primary School. We are very fortunate to have staff who are highly knowledgeable and passionate, bringing many years of experience, understanding and creativity to the nursery.

‘Good’ OFSTED rating

The children are taught by a qualified Early Years Teacher and a Higher Level Teaching Assistant who plan exciting activities to inspire and encourage development as well as making the children’s time interesting and enjoyable!

  • The sand and water tray are available throughout day along with construction and transport toys.
  • There is also a large role play area with kitchen units, baby beds and a variety of dressing up clothes. Creative activities and messy play are planned regularly.
  • We have a new improved outdoor area with large sand pit, construction area, mud kitchen and mud digging area and access to a forest school, allotment and new sensory garden.

The covered outside area enables the children to enjoy outdoor activities whatever the weather!

The large and spacious classroom is fantastically resourced to teach the EYFS curriculum and this setting ensures children are ready for primary school. The children regularly visit the main school and attend many celebration assemblies. The Reception teacher and children from different years at Elmstead Wood Primary School come to visit the children and help with their learning. These visits help ensure the children have a smooth transition into primary school and also to recognise some friendly faces!

Children can join the Nursery in the term that starts after their third birthday - please contact the school office if you would like to register your child for a place. Tel: 020 8857 1504 or email: