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Accident, Illness and First Aid

Report your child's absence

If your child is away because of illness or other reasons it is necessary to report absence on the first day on our answerphone or by email and provide a letter on his or her return. The school mus be notified of all infectious diseases.


Children must not have medication in school, unless prescribed by their Doctor.  Prior to giving prescribed medications, a permission form must be completed and signed by a Parent / Guardian. Other prescribed medication is kept in the school office or First Aid room. A member of staff will oversee the administration of medication. If you wish to discuss any special arrangements (i.e. relating to medication, medical conditions or illness), please email the school office.

Asthma pumps are kept in class and children are expected to administer by themselves, under adult supervision. The school office has an emergency inhaler that will be used if necessary, provided parental agreement has been received.

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

Please review our Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy.

Sickness and/or Diarrhoea

When a child is absent due to vomiting, children should not attend school or nursery until 24 hours after the symptoms have stopped. When a child is absent due to diarrhoea, children should not attend school or nursery until 48 hours after the symptoms have stopped. However, this is at the discretion of the Head Teacher. 

First Aid

Please see below regarding our First Aid Recording Process.  Please review our full First Aid Policy.  This policy will provide you with information regarding our 'red' head bump band and 'yellow' stings/bites band.