Marvellous Me

Get wonderful news about your child’s learning and success.
Marvellous Me is an exciting app that our teachers use to share wonderful news with you about your child’s/children’s learning and skills development. The app pings you when they have been praised for good work or a great character skill. It makes you smile, feel proud, and inspires better home learning support and encouragement.
The Marvellous Me Parent app is free, fun and simple to use. It will help you to:
- Have a meaningful conversation with your child about their school day.
- Continue your child’s learning and practise topics they have covered in class.
- Celebrate and reinforce their successes and positive behaviours.
You are able to enjoy Marvellous Me on your smartphone, tablet or online, and can easily share it with partners, carers and other family members.
You should have received a letter containing all the details of how you can sign up to Marvellous Me, and your special join code(s). If you haven’t received a letter, please speak to your child’s/children’s class teacher(s).
You can find out more at We think you will love it!